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Urban Inclusion Community Ltd is a UK based social enterprise set-up in 2006. We develop projects and offer a range of services to businesses, the public sector and not-for-profit organisations with a focus on organisational development, economic growth and innovation.

Urban Inclusion Community also delivers the same suite of services in West Africa and has an office in Accra, Ghana. Urban Inclusion’s team have in-depth project development and management experience and a track record of managing and delivering some of the most innovative business development programmes in the UK, Europe and West Africa that builds capacity and grows Micro Enterprises and SMEs.

Em Ekong
Founder and Director

20 years experience working as an SME adviser and business mentor. Experience in the development and delivery of enterprise, employment and skills programmes in both the UK and West Africa to support women, young people and ethnic minority communities.

Expertise in a large number of business support services: business coaching and mentoring; business planning; raising finance; business growth strategies; project evaluation, research and consultation; marketing strategies; social enterprise development; community capacity building and project management.

Founder and Director of Urban Inclusion and The African and Caribbean Business Experience

BA (Hons) Economics and Finance, Strathclyde Business School; MSc. Development Economics, Manchester Business School

Michelle McKenzie

20 years experience in academic and vocational education as well as training and professional development. Specialises in the development of training programmes, curriculum development, teacher training, train the trainer and management of educational and vocational mentoring programmes.


Expertise in community development and community based projects working with women, young people and black and ethnic communities.

Experience working in publishing and the creative industries developing writers and performance artists, including mentoring, brand development, marketing and publishing and is a founder and Director of Urban Affinity, a not-for-profit UK company that facilitates collaboration between performing and visual artists in the Black Diaspora;

BA Hon. and PhD research: University of Manchester; Teaching qualifications: RSA-Cambridge; Post Graduate PGCE (IfL/UEL).

Urban Inclusion works with the BDS Network, which is an informal network of internationally qualified, professional, local business and financial advisers and sector experts. We have a long track record of providing holistic and sensitive advice and support to women entrepreneurs either at early or growth stages. So, regardless of your sector of operation or the stage of your business we can offer you all the support you need.

Urban Inclusion has a long standing established network of experts, associates and partners we work with in both the UK and West Africa.

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